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Diretora Criativa / Coreógrafa / Bailarina / Artista


Com mais de 20 anos de carreira, Rita Spider tem sido uma referência e exemplo para muitos jovens em início de carreira e para muitos outros que já estão no mercado de trabalho e que encontraram na sua força e inspiração o sonho de se tornar artistas, também, num mercado tão difícil e competitivo como este. Conta já com o seu currículo, nomes como Cirque du Soleil, Academia de Dança de Setúbal, Broadway Dance Center, Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham Dance School, Peridance NYC e várias formações e Workshops com diferentes tipos de professores e coreógrafos. Além de ser uma brilhante artista e bailarina, Rita Spider destacou-se também como coreógrafa, Diretora Criativa e Diretora Artística de muitos projetos diferentes.


Creative Director  / Choreographer / Dancer / Artist

With more than 20 years of career, Rita Spider has been a reference and example for many young people in early careers and for many others who are already in the job market and who have found in her strength and inspiration to pursue the dream of becoming artists, too, in a market as difficult and competitive as this. It already counts on its curriculum, names like Cirque du Soleil, Dance Academy of Setúbal, Broadway Dance Center, Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham Dance School, Peridance NYC and various formations and Workshops with different types of teachers and choreographers. ​ Besides being a brilliant Artist and Dancer, Rita Spider has also excelled as choreographer, Creative Director and Artistic Director of many different Projects.






Como bailarina integrou diversas companhias destacando-se o Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson The Imortal World Tour” - World Tour; Tayeh Dance Company (El Portal Theater LA) - USA; Research Movement Project com Stuart Thomas - UK; Nos da Dança Jazz Project by Colin Sinclair - UK/ Portugal; Boy Blue Dance Company - UK; 3F Funky for Fun Dance Company - Portugal; Abstratin’ Dance Company; Dance 2XS - UK ; Dance 2XS - Portugal; Plague Dance Company - UK, entre outras.

Trabalhou com coreógrafos de renome internacional tais como Jamie King - USA; Sonya Tayeh, LA - USA; Kenrick H2O Sandy - UK;  Kate Prince - UK; Luis Gonçalves - Portugal; Sisco Gomez - UK; Patrick Chen & Finês - Portugal; Stuart Thomas - UK; Colin Sinclair - UK/ Portugal; Mukhtar - UK, entre outros.

Participou em vários programas televisivos, anúncios publicitários e concursos em Portugal e no estrangeiro como o Portugal Got Talent Portugal; Achas Que Sabes Dançar Portugal 1º e 2º; Dança com as Estrelas Portugal; Dancing with The Stars USA; Honey Dance OFF Competition UK; MTV Shakedown UK; The Immortalize Ceremony of Michael Jackson (Hollywood/ USA); diversos anúncios publicitários para a BBC - UK e para a Trouble TV - UK; CNN - Times Square Show (Cirque du Soleil) USA; "Find your Groove" e muitos mais.


As a dancer she has integrated several companies, highlighting the Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour" - World Tour; Tayeh Dance Company (El Portal Theater LA) - USA; Research Movement Project with Stuart Thomas - UK; Nos da Dança Jazz Project by Colin Sinclair - UK/ Portugal; Boy Blue Dance Company - UK; 3F Funky for Fun Dance Company - United Kingdom; Abstratin' Dance Company; Dance 2XS - UK ; Dance 2XS - Portugal; Plague Dance Company - UK, among others.

Worked with internationally renowned choreographers such as Jamie King - USA; Sonya Tayeh, LA - USA; Kenrick H2O Sandy - UK; Kate Prince - UK; Luis Gonçalves - Portugal; Sisco Gomez - UK; Patrick Chen & Finês - Portugal; Stuart Thomas - UK; Colin Sinclair - UK/ Portugal; Mukhtar - UK, among others. ​


Participated in several television programs, commercials and competitions in Portugal and abroad such as Portugal Got Talent Portugal; You think You know how to dance Portugal 1st and 2nd; Dance with the Stars Portugal; Dancing with The Stars USA; Honey Dance OFF Competition UK; MTV Shakedown UK; The Immortalize Ceremony of Michael Jackson (Hollywood/ USA); various commercials for BBC - UK and Trouble TV - UK; CNN - Times Square Show (Cirque du Soleil) USA; "Find your Groove" and many more.

Directora Criativa Coreógrafa

Com vasta experiência e formação em diferentes estilos como no Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, Popping, Locking, House, Vogue, Contemporâneo, Jazz, Salsa, Teatro musical, Fusion Movement, Aerial Dance, Acro Dance, Freestyle Skills... é uma coreógrafa extremamente criativa, versátil e determinada, tendo sido já jurada em diversos concurso de dança.

Trabalha regularmente como directora criativa e coreógrafa para diferentes tipos de projectos, onde se destacam trabalhos com produtoras como a Ursa Maior Comunicação, The Madblast, Força de Produção, UAU, Hipnose, Olga Studios, NoIdeasNoArt, Chapitô, Insólita, entre outras.

É Directora Criativa e Coreógrafa de diversos projectos criativos, spots publicitários, tais como, EMO’IRTUAL  - Live Kinect/ Motion Graphics  Concepts Shows (NoldeasNoArt); BEYOND MOOD - Virtual Show (Hipnose/OlgaStudios); CHICAGO The Musical - Advertising/ Medias; UMA NÊSPERA NO CU  The Musical (Força de Produção); POPOTA The Musical (UAU); MEMÓRIAS (Chapitô); BLOW e THE CLOCK (RS Art Company); The Book of Kuraka (Boy Blue Entertainment London); Abstractin’ shows (Abstractin' Dance Company), e muitos mais.

Desenvolveu  projectos inovadores, onde combina duas grandes forças, Dance Fusion com a recente tecnologia de Video Mapping e Led Wall, com resultados absolutamente surpreendentes. Exemplo disto são o Power - Led Wall Show (Hipnose/Olga Studios); o ANO - Virtual Motion Graphics (Hipnose/Olga Studios), Emo'irtualDuel'irtual - Gala WIT Awards (Co-Produção NoIdeasNoArt e Rita Spider), entre outros 


With extensive experience and training in different styles such as Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, Popping, Locking, House, Vogue, Contemporary, Jazz, Salsa, Musical Theater, Fusion Movement, Aerial Dance, Acro Dance, Freestyle Skills... she is an extremely creative, versatile and determined choreographer, having been a judge in several dance contests. ​ She works regularly as artistic, creative and choreographer director for different types of projects, where works stand out with producers such as the Production Force, UAU, Hypnosis/Olga Studios, NoIdeasNoArt/ RS Art Company, Chapitô, among others.

She is Creative Director and Choreographer of several advertising spots and projects such as EMO'IRTUAL - Live Kinect/ Motion Graphics Concepts Shows (NoldeasNoArt); BEYOND MOOD - Virtual Show (Hypnosis/OlgaStudios); CHICAGO The Musical, Chicago The Musical - Advertising/ Medias and Uma NÊSPERA NO CU The Musical (Production Force); POPOTA The Musical (WOW); MEMORIES (Chapitô); BLOW and THE CLOCK (RS Art Company); The Book of Kuraka (Boy Blue Entertainment London); Abstractin' shows (Abstractin' Dance Company), and many more. ​


Has developed new innovative projects, where it combines two major forces, Dance Fusion with the recent technology of Video Mapping and Led Wall, with absolutely amazing results. Examples of this are the Power - Led Wall Show (Hypnosis/Olga Studios); the YEAR - Virtual Motion Graphics (Hypnosis/Olga Studios) and Duel'irtual - Gala WIT Awards (Co-Production NoIdeasNoArt and Rita Spider), and many more. 

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